Acid-head Flashbacks to a Time That Never Was

Dealing with most Left-wing Liberals and Obama Progressives is like being on a roller coaster ride during a bad LSD trip!  It is sure to be a memorable and frightening time; and most likely when it is over, you will want to throw up.  Eeewww!  The thought just made me spit up in my mouth–a little.

One minute they demand that “in God We Trust”, Christmas (including Nativity scenes and the term ‘Merry Christmas’), the “Ten Commandments” and anything pertaining to Christianity, be removed from schools, courthouses, department stores, office buildings, parks, private businesses and major corporations.  

We are, however, allowed to attend “interfaith” celebrations (as long as there is no mention of Jesus), continue watching ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’, teach our children about “the Grinch who Stole Christmas’ (after all he’s a hero), send our children searching for eggs laid by a bunny; and believe in the Universal principles behind the Ten Commandments (we just can’t look at them?).

I can’t imagine anyone taking issue with a baby in a manger surrounded by little lambs; calves and three wise men from the East.   Now take note that these three men were from Persia (present day Iran) and instead of arming themselves to blow up the minute they entered the manger, they instead brought with them expensive gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh

I am still baffled by whoever, in their right mind, would want to remove a document that admonishes people not to kill, steal, lie or commit adultery, from courthouse and school walls. It would seem to me that this is exactly the message you would want to convey to both children and criminals. But, oh, yeah…It’s Christian!

Progressives believe that Christianity should be eliminated from every bit of public life because it is an infringement on free speech; separation of church and state and a kitchen sink full of bits and pieces that are meant to make Christians feel degraded, foolish and out of touch with the rest of society!  They constantly remind Christians of the need to keep their religion behind closed doors during the week and in church on Sundays.

If I were them, I’d want my enemy as public as possible; even worshipping in the town square! At least then I could use some sort of camera to lip-read their prayers to make sure they weren’t praying me off the planet!  But, I digress.

Although Eighty-three percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians (33% worldwide) our Chief Progressive, Barack Obama, has told the world that “America is not a Christian nation”.   What?!? Eighty-three percent is better than a quorum so if we aren’t Christian, then what exactly are we in the Progressive world.

With only 4 percent of Americans identify themselves as adherents of all non-Christian religions combined — including Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and a smattering of individual mentions, Obama broke with tradition deciding to forego the National Day of Prayer (established by President Harry in 1952) ceremony at the White House and had Franklin Graham (son of Evangelist Billy Graham) kicked to the curb from the Pentagon ceremony.

Both a crescent-shaped moon and Barack Obama ushered in Ramadan; one with an amazing light show from the sky; and the other with a televised video extending his best wishes to Muslim communities in the United States and around the world. One month later, Obama decided to uphold White House tradition and host an Iftar dinner in the White House State Dining Room.  Iftar is the meal that breaks the dawn-to-dusk fast for Muslims during Ramadan.

Amazingly, since the uproar over the NYC mosque, Liberal Progressives ‘from sea to shining sea’ have found their collective religious voice to  bellow from soap boxes and mountaintops; that to prevent the building of a mosque two blocks from Ground Zero would be an infringement on the “freedom of religion” of Muslims.   

One cannot help but take note that it seems as if the liberal progressive brand of ‘freedom of religion’ is offered to everyone EXCEPT Christians. And for that you really do have to pause and wonder, “What is it about the message of Jesus Christ that sends (not a tingle but) a full-on electrical shock up the legs of Liberals? 

I find it dumbfounding that most liberals, even those who call themselves Christians, have managed to buy the progressive party line and talking points ‘hook, line and sinker’. Abortion is not murder; it is choice. Welfare is not middle class workers carrying the burden of a segment of society who (for whatever reason) will not work.  People don’t kill people, guns kill people. Government healthcare is your right.  It is the government’s job to regulate everyone including business and they know what is good for you.  Big business is bad and so much more.

I’ve been having a running argument with a very liberal, non-religious young man on my Facebook page. You see, he loves to tell me that because of my Christianity, I have a ‘misinformed mentality’; throws about the term ‘fundamentalist’ like a Yankee pitcher and cannot help but comment on my lack of tolerance whenever he gets the chance.  He tells me that because I agree with the opponents of the mosque that I am a bigot.

Here’s what I say: America’s past and future is that of a Christian nation with a high tolerance for people of other religions or no religion at all.  Christmas comes after Thanksgiving and I’m going to keep saying Merry Christmas, and I may even dress like an ancient Jew on Christmas Day.  I am building a HUGE nativity scene for my front yard and a cross with Jesus on it for Easter.  I will post the Ten Commandments in my front yard if I want to, but I am definitely giving my son moral teaching outside the US school system.

The past you’re flashing back to does not exist but mine does and we need to take ten steps backwards before we fall off the cliff.

I don’t know if Obama is a Muslim but if actions speak louder than words, he acts like he’s a Muslim!  I will continue to voice my opinion on these topics until the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob takes me away.  I would tell progressives to go to Hell, but I don’t have to.  They and their hallucinations are already half way there!