Is American Freedom Obsolete?

american-flag-2aFresh off the latest leg of his “World-Wide America Apology Tour” Barack Obama has told the Universe that America is NOT a Christian nation — but it IS a Muslim one. Under HIS reign this may very well become true.

In what I found to be a less than stirring speech in the Great Hall at Cairo University to crowd of about 3,000, Mr. Obama completely ignored actual history as well as current events when he once again, apologized to the Arab world for America’s past actions.

Based on how Mr. Obama speaks, one would think that the United States has been going into pristine, economically and politically sound countries and running amok. He ignores the billions of dollars American taxpayers have pony’d up to assist people who’d just as soon see us dead – but only after they’ve had a decent meal, drank clean water and been treated with the latest medical technology — provided by you – the infidels!

We build new infrastructure in their countries, while ours crumbles. We build schools and hospitals in their countries and then complain that our own healthcare and educational systems are failing. We feed the world, while children go to bed hungry in our own back yard. If a natural disaster happens anywhere in the world, we rally the troops and rush out to aide. When a natural disaster happens in the United States, we must, primarily fend for ourselves. When was the last time you saw a headline touting how some Third World nation had written a check repaying the United States of America for its financial sacrifices?

In total Rock Star fashion, Obama flashed his pearly whites for the cameras while sublimely stating that “no one country should dictate to another”. Unless you happen to be Israel (or America), of course, then EVERY single, mug-hutted, thug potentate on the planet can dictate to you about what you should be doing to protect sovereignty in your own nation. Now that’s supporting freedom! The Secretary of sASS, Hillary Clinton, can even tell you that you are no longer allowed to “naturally” grow. All Hail the UN!

Obama, in his misguided effort to “improve” America’s image, called America a “colonialist” nation and stated that we did not start off that way.  Does he even know American history? I’d like to get a copy of his Ivy League GPA!  Colonists “colonized” the New World and even re-colonized America when they began the push to spread West throughout this country.

“My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy,” says Obama. Of course he got a standing ovation! What else could you expect while giving a speech about freedom in one of the least free countries on the planet and dissing one of the freest countries in existence today?

Ahem. (TAP ON THE SHOULDER)  Mr. Obama. Your job is to uphold the Constitution of the United States and to protect our shores from our enemies. The Constitution assigns the following powers to the President:

1. Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces: The President of the United States of America is the head of the U.S. Military. As Commander in Chief, he can authorize the use of troops overseas without declaring war. To declare war officially, he must get the approval of the Congress.

2. Make treaties, with two-thirds consent of the Senate.

3. Receive ambassadors and other public ministers from foreign countries.

4. Appoint ambassadors, Supreme Court justices, federal judges, and any officials as provided for by the Congress, with the approval of the Senate.

5. Give an Annual State of the Union Address to Congress. It is not your job to take over private or even public companies. It is not your job to “redistribute” wealth.

It is not your job to tell American’s how to educate their children. It is not your job to sanction same-sex marriages. It is not your job to promote abortion. It is not your job to trounce the Second Amendment. It is not your job to traipse around the world disrespecting your own country!

In his election speeches, Mr. Obama invokes his love for America. No such declarations were forthcoming in his  foreign speeches. Not once did he express an ounce of national pride. He never mentioned his own supposed Christian heritage but loudly proclaimed his Islamic roots. He correctly quoted the Quran (no teleprompter in sight) but never mentioned the Bible.

A recent article in Russia’s Pravda declared that “the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed.” According to the article, “The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America’s short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe”

When a Russian newspaper correctly calls out the American President on liberty and freedom and IS SPOT ON, “Oh we got trouble (yes we got trouble) right here in River City (Right here!).”

When Treasury Secretary Timothy (the Dodger) Geithner, tells a Chinese audience of students and professors that China’s investment in America is safe and the entire audience bursts into laughter, we’ve got some major issues.   For goodness sakes, even the Communists think we’re a joke!

Obama, Emmanuel, Geithner and their friends — not the American sheeple — now own banks and car companies. They are also going after insurance companies, energy companies and health care companies. Don’t think for one minute that you will realize (or even see) one ounce of return on your tax payer dollars because you don’t own a thing!  

Oh, I’m sorry. You do own the debt, which you, your children, your children’s children and their children will be paying off for the next 500 years. That is if China doesn’t foreclose on us and take us fover because of the billions of dollars in loans we can’t pay back or if Russia (which is quickly reverting back to ITS Communist roots) doesn’t blow us off the planet before that.

If this lunacy is allowed to continue, in the future you WILL be told what kind of car you can drive and how much you can drive it. You WILL be told what energy to use and how much of it you can use. You WILL be told who you can use to provide your medical needs and how much you can use them. You WILL pay for babies you did not choose to have and unborn life will be slaughtered against your will and using your money to do it. If you are lucky enough to make a profit in your business, it WILL be taken away and given to those “unfortunates” who have chosen to drop out of school and have no discernible skills.

And for the record, I am NOT against Welfare. There are times in a person’s life when one needs a hand up and a hand out. I am against Government Assistance as a way of life. I am against Welfare as the family business.

Forget about your First Amendment Right to Free Speech because you’d better not protest the Obama Administrations actions or policies.  If you speak up, you are at best a complainer; at worst, both a racist and a domestic terrorist who should be put on a National Watch List.  If we don’t do something to change the devastating course this country is on, we are headed — fully — into a “Plantation Nation” where the only people who are truly free are the Liberal (and some RINO) politicians who are trying to enslave all of us.

Welcome to the United Socialist States (USS). All Hail your new Supreme Leader, Barack Hussein Obama. Now bow down. I mean bend over. And don’t forget to smile!