Life on Purpose!

mountain climberEveryday we are faced with the choice of whether or not to see the world through our own flawed lens, or whether to see it the way it really is; through God’s eyes.

Conventional wisdom tells us that the world sucks!  If you focus on the failing economy, prejudice, bigotry, crime, pollution, abuse and lack – then yes, our world sucks – BIG TIME!

But, if we are to truly succeed in this world, then we must always go to the highest place in ourselves.  We must make a habit of cutting through the BS and the nonsense and strive towards the penultimate place in our souls.  We must accept culpability for our own state of being – or we can ignore our own faultiness!

What does this mean?  Well, I’m glad you asked!

Today, you are a product of every, single decision you have ever made in the past.  The life you live now is not the result of what your parents did to you; what people said about you or even what may or may not have happened to you.  It is a product of who you believe yourself to be and how you react to what you believe to be the truth!

Let me climb off my high horse for a minute!  In the past, I have been a chronic shopper.   I have scores of clothes and items that still have price tags on them!  My Mother was a chronic shopper.  I shopped for shopping’s sake.  I didn’t’ even care if I was buying for me – as long as I was spending.  If you gave me a dollar, it had a half-life of ten minutes in my wallet!   My out of control spending resulted in no discernible savings on my part.   So, that when I had an emergency; I had a crisis.   When my car broke down; I had issues.  If a check was an hour late; I had problems.  Paying late charges weren’t an issue for me – it was a privilege that I took in order to stretch myself beyond my means.

I blamed everyone!  I blamed my parents; who could not afford to pay for my college.  So, I had to pay for myself.   I blamed my clients; obviously they weren’t paying me enough.  I blamed society; a Black woman is third class.  I blamed Black people; why can’t we hire our own?  I blamed God; if I was in this situation, He could not love me?  I blamed men;  What?I’m giving you what you need – give a Sister a break!  I blamed my siblings – I helped you b@##$$’s why can’t you help me?  But, in the end the blame laid itself at the true perpetrator – ME!

I couldn’t accept that I was the architect!  I wanted to look like everyone else; be like everyone else; act like everyone else; have what everyone else had.   And even though I was founded in God, I was not founded in myself!   And then I turned 40!

I was no longer the cute young thing.  I was the woman who looked younger than her actual age; an anomaly and a phenomenon. It was then that I made some critical decisions about how I wanted to live my life and what I wanted to be known for. (Dangling participle)

The Changeling

What I wanted was my authentic self. But, where was she?  What would my life look like if I could no longer indulge myself in my excuses?

What I discovered is that true courage is not doing what you think is right – it is doing the thing you are most afraid of in the midst of your fear – Changing!

I learned the lesson of adaptability.  I learned that change, whether it is one’s job, location or predominant beliefs — is not a bad thing.  It can lead to a path of outrageous happiness and joy!  Greed can be used for good, but change is better!

Dr. Wayne Dyer states that the top eighteen reasons that people cannot or will not change for success are:

  1. It’s too difficult.
  2. It’s too risky.
  3. It will take too much time.
  4. My family drama.
  5. I don’t deserve it
  6. It’s not in my nature.
  7. I can’t afford it.
  8. I have no support.
  9. It never happened before.
  10. I’m not strong enough.
  11. I’m not smart enough.
  12. I’m too old.
  13. I can only do what I’m doing now.
  14. The “rules” won’t let me.
  15. I lack of energy.
  16. My personal family history (divorce, abuse, youngest, oldest, middle child.)
  17. I’m too busy.
  18. I’m afraid.

And in Dyer fashion he proposes the following:

Become Aware

  • Always go to the highest place in yourself.  Be aware of what you are trying to achieve.  Awareness knows that you can do ALL things through God.

Recognize that all excuses are misalignments

  • Think like God thinks.  We don’t have to die to be able to do this and God never uses excuses.  He never claimed to be too tired to create a star.  You are a star!

Become contemplative

  • Contemplation is the highest form of activity.
  • What you think about, you become.
  • The Science of Success assumes your continual and positive use of your thoughts.

Become a willing human being

  • How willing are you to rid yourself of excuses by taking total responsibility for your life? How willing are you to surrender all to God and shed the things you will not do?  How willing are you to arrange the pieces that come your way and make them work for you?
  • Be willing to contemplate God. Remember the great and good things He has already done for you.
  • Detach yourself from the outcome. If it is yours, it will come to be.  If it is not yours, there is something better on the horizon!

Live a passion-filled life

  • If you have passion, the Universe will find a way to make your dreams come true!
  • If you have passion you will focus on your best life!
  • If you have passion, you won’t give up, no matter how hard the road may become.
  • If you have passion, you will NOT live without your heart’s desire!

Don’t complain/Never explain

  • You are what and who you are.  If you don’t like it, that’s not a good thing.   If you have to justify it – that’s even worse.

God always says “Yes” and “Amen”.  If you can visualize it – you can have it!  Think on the things you want to have.  Think on those things you want to be.  “They that keep their minds stayed on you (God) will be cast in perfect peace.”  Who you are and what you have is completely up to you and God.  Now go out there make your life a great success.

If you’ve never heard this before: I love you and I believe in YOU!


Are-you-living-your-life-on-purpose-Calgary-PsychThe gulf between fear and perceived reality is a minor one for me because I can choose what I want to believe!

I am not afraid of the dwindling economy.  I am not afraid of terrorists.  I am not afraid of the credit crunch.  I am not afraid of my home being foreclosed.  I am not afraid that I will be out of work forever.   I am not afraid of running out of food.  I am not afraid of running out of money.  I am not afraid that my son cannot attend his school. I am not afraid of home invaders or robbers.   I am not afraid of the IRS.  I am even not afraid that my car will break down.  I am simply not afraid.

Fear is not an option in my life.  I have a promise from God that “All things will work together for good, for those who love Him…”  And I am standing on that promise!  I no longer live in the economy of this world and so, I am no longer afraid of its repercussions.   I give because I want to – I have to – give!

I stand confident on that promise!  I believe that God would bankrupt Heaven on my behalf!   I believe that if I were the only human on Earth, he would have sent a Savior just for me!

He created the Heavens so that I could have something to look at.  He created flowers so that I could have something nice to smell.  He created the mountains so I could have something big to climb.  He created the seas so that I could have something vast to swim.  He created the sand so something would feel warm on my skin.  He created the Moon so that I could read at night.

I choose God’s Word over the “Wisdom” of our American culture.  I choose Life!

I choose to not be afraid.  I choose not to take a path that will leave me shaking in my shoes.   I choose what I will think about.  I choose what I will become.  I choose who I am today.  I choose truth above the lies that this world’s society presents to me.

I choose.  I choose.  I choose.  And in the end – I will win.  Because God said so!